Welcome to Lawrence and Irene Clark STEM and Leadership Academy
Soaring to STEM in the Summer
About Clark Academy
Clark Academy has served as an intensive STEM enrichment summer program for underrepresented elementary students. Dr. Wandra P. Hill founded the academy in 2017.
Every summer, our caring and enthusiastic coordinators dream up a wide range of STEM programs for rising 4th graders. Our engineering activities and leadership building activities are fun, challenging and accepting of everyone’s individual abilities. Above all, we are a down-to-earth STEM academy dedicated to ensuring everyone has a great time learning about robotics and improving leadership and presentation skills.
Next 2023 Session:
Monday, July 31 - Friday, August 4
"Coding, Engineering, and Leadership:
Developing Skills for the Future"
Academy Highlights
Computer-Aided Design and Programming
Electrical Circuit Programming
Leadership Skills
Presentation Skills
2023 Computer-Aided Design Experience
Students in the 2023 Lawrence and Irene Clark Academy summer enrichment program will learn experience in software development as it relates to computer-aided design.
Using Sphero technologies and programming applications, students will work in teams on an engineering challenge to design and build online designs with specific behavior.
In the process, they learn about simple logic statements, sequencing and timing, and computer logic. Students also design their own requirements based on real-world observations.
Knowledge gained from project-based inquiry and experiential activities are directly transferable into strategic academic and personal development areas of team work, math, reading, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.